Tesco Salmon fillets 2 for £6.....or £7 if you don't check your receipt.
Isn't that stealing?
Isn't that stealing?
Last week I wrote about my recent correspondence with Tesco about the huge number of errors between the prices shown on shelf edge labels and the actual price scanned at the checkout.
Every Tesco has a security guard at the door - but who's stopping Tesco stealing from the customers?
Fed up with Tesco stealing from me I've been doing my shopping elesewhere - until tonight. Tesco are not much bothered about the accuracy of their shelf edge labels, so why should they worry about whether the price stickers on the actual packs are right either?
One pack of salmon is £3.50 , but the pack sticker says 'Any 2 for £6' a one pound saving.
But Tesco charged me £7, £3.50 for each identical pack.
Thanks Tesco, why not help yourself to my loose change too, or maybe some notes out of my wallet? Hey, how many more customers did you mug today?

The mannager explains the stickers are put on at the distribution centre, but the offer isn't always on in all the stores.
Doh! Silly me, I should have realised when I bought 2 packs, this offer is only on in OTHER Tesco stores....
She refunds me the pound, and I insist she gives me 'Double the Difference' as per Tesco's 'Really sorry we stole from you' policy.

See the question at the top of the receipt?
'How did we do?'
Tesco - you got caught red-handed, with your hand in my wallet.
'How did we do?'
Tesco - you got caught red-handed, with your hand in my wallet.